Clara Hillier '04 is currently studying in Athens, Greece as part of her undergraduate program through Reed College. Her studies are through the College Year in Athens Program and include a focus on Ancient Greek, Attic Tragedy and Archaeology.
Clara says she is "planning to either create my own translation of Agamemnon or compile different translations infused with my own for the main portion of my thesis at Reed College this coming fall, and then put on a production of the script." Her post-graduate plans include pursuing a career in Dance-Drama Therapy either in New York or Chicago while simultaneously completing graduate work in theater. "My dream is to continue acting on the professional level but devote most of my professional career to bringing dance therapy into a psychology practice particularly focusing on children, eating disorder patients and womens' shelters," says Clara.
When asked about Wilson, she states, "I am so thankful for the diverse and stimulating education I received while at Wilson. It opened up so many possible paths for the future and allowed me to become involved both with my love for theater and discover how to show my appreciation for such an excellent school. I cherish my high school memories and I don't know many people currently who can say that so whole-heartedly."
Clara will graduate from Reed College with a Bachelor of Arts in Classics with a theater emphasis in 2009.
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